Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Sky Is(n't) Falling!

Ok, so the US economy is in the tank right now. hasn't been this rough in about 80 or 90 years. And, the unfortunate reality is that the global economy will weaken and the US economy will likely worsen before it improves.

Ok, did those of you who have been living it up for the last few years, get all that!? Things will get worse!'s been said, again. Accept it! Get over it and get over yourself.

The economy will come, you knucklehead! It always comes back. It may come and look different but, it will come back. That's not a matter of "if the economy will come back"but, only "when the economy will come back and what it'll look like."

So, don't hide like a coward. Stop whining like a cry baby! Get up, get off your pampered ass and get to work...real work! Ok, so you'll probably have to cut back on things, maybe alot of things. And, you may have to get another job, or even work two jobs....poor you! You won't be the first, and you won't be the last.

And, those companies that had it easy over the last few years....well, it's time to make things happen. There will be fewer golf games for your executives, fewer 3 hour $1,000 lunches, and alot more good old fashioned American hard work!

The words are pronouned "survival" and "productivity". We must now all be extremely productive in order to survive and to make it through what will certainly be a tough time. If you're not a fighter, you can always give up, blame someone else, wait for someone to pick you up and help you.

But, the rest of us...we're too busy to wait around, or to cry over what's going on. No! We're not waiting! We're spending our time figuring out how to help our clients, those who made us a success to begin with. That's the important thing...helping our clients by reducing their risk and finding hidden profit and growth opportunities. We're helping our clients succeed despite the lousy economy!

Too many people in the commercial real estate business are spending an aweful lot of time complaining about how tough things are right now. That's what they do, I guess. Yeah, times are what!? They're tough for your clients, too. And, now your clients need your help.
Stop whining and go do right by your clients. Learn what their challenges are, what their concerns and fears are, and get to work developing solutions and strategies to keep them successful and generating profits. Remember that your clients are the people at those companies, not just the companies. They need your help. And, by helping them, they'll keep paying their bills and their employees, they'll contribute to strengthening our economy over time, and they'll be around to contribute, once again, to your success. Maybe not right away but, eventually. That's what we're doing...helping our clients continue to succeed...even now. That's what we've always done.

That's right! Go help your clients accomplish their objectives first. That's the mark of true professionals! Your rewards will come latter. I can almost guarantee it.